1. Turn the on button on the back of the instrument.
2. Turn the power button switch (

3. Position the instrument one inch in front of the eye of the patient and activate the instrument by pressing the side button.

5. Wait for 30 seconds so dark adaptation is achieved and pupil is fully dilated, then illuminate the right eye with a red light for 10 seconds and observe the change in the pupil diameter.
6. Press the red-blue button to switch the instrument in the blue light mode (blue diode on the control panel will lit once when instrument is in the blue light mode) and wait for 30 seconds for the pupil dilatation.

8. Wait for 30 seconds so dark adaptation is achieved and pupil is fully dilated, then illuminate the right eye with a blue light for 10 seconds and observe the change in the pupil diameter.
9. After all responses are observed and recorded, use obtained results in combination with other parameters obtained during clinical examination to establish final diagnosis. Evaluation of pupil light reflex responses only in absence of other diagnostic results obtained during eye examination, can not be used to establish the final diagnosis, but rather to establish a possible anatomic localization of the visual system abnormality (retina, optic nerve or brain problem).